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We invite you to join us as we celebrate our third annual Baruch Alumni Changemakers Awards! The event will feature dinner and cocktails, remarks from Baruch President S. David Wu, and an awards ceremony as we honor alumni who have made a positive impact through leadership, innovation, and excellence.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Baruch College 
Newman Library Building, Room 750
151 East 25th Street
New York, NY 10010

5:30 PM | Registration
6:00 PM | Cocktails
6:30 PM | Dinner and Awards

Announcing the 2024 Baruch Alumni Changemakers 

Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations and contributed to the 2024 Baruch Alumni Changemakers Awards! 

Angelo Cabrera ('06, MPA '13) | Deputy Director of Education & Career Pathways, Roads to Success

Glenn C. Davis ('70) | Principal Emeritus and Director, Kaufman Rossin & Company

Anthony Hernandez ('08) | Product Management Leader,  Amazon

Dipika Shrestha (MIA '19) | Director of Impact & Evaluation, Arab-American Family Support Center

Jaclinn Tanney (MPA '12) | Co-Founder and President, Jabber Dorado Enterprises (JDE)

Stefanie Trice Gill (MBA '06) | Founder | President, IntWork